UUSS Religious Education 2024-25

Please fill out this form to register your child(ren)/youth for Religious Education Programs between September 2023 and September 2024. It includes all age levels from Nursery (infant) to Senior High Youth Group (through 12th grade). By filling out this form you consent to receive communications from UUSS (there is always the option to unsubscribe).
Child/Youth (1)

Child/Youth (2) - Optional

Child/Youth (3) - Optional

Child/Youth (4) - Optional

School Information (optional)

More Information (optional)

Privacy and Safety Information

None of the information from this form will be sold or provided publicly by UUSS.

This form gives UUSS permission to contact you.  You may unsubscribe from emails or request to be removed from the registration at any time.

All reasonable measures will be taken to safeguard the well being and safety of all individuals involved in Religious Education activities.  You are responsible for providing pertinent information to staff and volunteers about your child/youth.  You are responsible for providing necessary equipment related to the medical needs of your child (e.g. asthma inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) and communicating with the staff and volunteers about this equipment.
You are able to visit and speak to and/or remove your child/youth from activities at any time. 

You agree that you will not leave UUSS at any time without your child/youth unless prior arrangements are made with an authorized staff person or authorized volunteer.  As such, no staff person or volunteer is authorized to transport your child/youth without your advance, written permission.  No staff person or volunteer is authorized to provide consent for medical treatment on behalf of your child/youth.  All adults who are authorized to act on behalf of your child/youth, or pick up your child/youth after activities, should be indicated here, in additional registration forms or in other documents on-file at UUSS.
You understand that photos of your child/youth's face will not be used in any publication or promotional materials without permission.  Your child/youth's full name will only be used with permission.  Photos taken at group events like the Easter Egg Hunt or the Christmas Tree Trimming Party may include your child/youth and may be posted on the UUSS website.  If you have specific concerns about this, please contact Crystal Fountain, RE Coordinator.

If you and your child/youth choose to participate in aspects of Sunday service, please note that they are available publicly via Zoom and Facebook (it is also recorded and posted online). 
Your child/youth's first name will be used in service if they light the chalice.
Please select all that apply.
Thank you for registering for RE! You will receive a confirmation email at all email addresses listed above. Please contact CrystalFountain@uuss.org with questions.

Please select all that apply.


Please fill out this form to register your child(ren)/youth for Religious Education Programs between September 2023 and September 2024. It includes all age levels from Nursery (infant) to Senior High Youth Group (through 12th grade). By filling out this form you consent to receive communications from UUSS (there is always the option to unsubscribe).